ALTA Mentoring Program

What is mentoring?

Mentoring is generally considered to be a voluntary relationship that gives people the opportunity to share their skills, knowledge and experiences, both personal and professional.

Three key benefits for the mentor

  • Improve interpersonal skills in counselling, listening, modelling, and leading.
  • Access new perspectives, information, and knowledge.
  • Enhance professional relationships and networks.

Three key benefits for the mentee

  • Receive valuable feedback from an experienced and subject-matter expert.
  • Have opportunities to develop networks with experienced and positive role models.
  • Have a supportive environment in which successes and failures can be evaluated in a non-confrontational manner and new ideas can be tested.

How does it work?

To initiate a mentoring session, a mentee should proactively organise a meeting with an ALTA mentor in advance during or after the ALTA workshop.

Step 1: Choose a mentor from the ALTA mentor list.

Step 2: Contact him/her via an email or Slack channel of the workshop.

Step 3: Organise a mentoring session either virtually (e.g., Zoom, Kumospace or Slack) or in person.

Boundaries of the mentor relationship

Professional and ethical behaviour is expected at all times in a mentor relationship. A mentor and a mentee should treat the relationship with respect and maintain privacy/confidentiality of conversations. It is important that the mentee makes his/her own decisions and is responsible for his/her own actions.

Mentoring list is TBD.

*Mentors: When you are no longer accepting mentees, send an email to to have your status updated.

If you have any questions regarding the ALTA mentoring program, please contact